Music You Should Really Know About
When it comes to music, I'm one of those people who are useless at making it, but love to listen to it. I have the most varied musical taste known to mankind which I'm sure my housemate can vouch for. I mean, who doesn't love going from a bit of Rusted Roots to Ludovico Einaudi, then Ed Sheeran to Genesis? And for those of you who are wondering who some of those bands and artists are, well, exactly I rest my case. I personally feel we are far too set in our ways, waiting for the next 3 minutes of mainstream waffle to come along! The 'related artists' tab on Spotify and iTunes are my best friend when finding new music and they should be yours too; they're a great way of finding some undiscovered musical geniuses.
Originating from New York, these guys are so unheard probably because they actually go by 2 names, don't ask why! Formerly known as Streamline, they've got a fair few albums and a couple of EP's out in total. Seriously underrated and should be much more well know than they are! They're a regular on my Spotify to get me through the working day with their good mix of chilled out rhythms, up beat riff's and catchy lyrics. I guess you would class them as Alternative Rock and for those of you who are fans ofthe likes of The Goo Goo Dolls, Gavin Degraw and Daughtry as well as those below, you should take a listen.
Similar Artists: Dan Henig, Ryan Keen, Matt Corby
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Erik Mongrain
Over to the other end of the spectrum, Erik Mongrain is actually quite well-known in the 'acoustic world' so to speak. But that's a pretty small world in comparison to others! The best way to appreciate this guy is to watch the video at the end of this paragraph- he's got some pretty crazy skills on the oldgeetarand makes some of the best chill out music around. I can't play the guitar despite several attempts, but if I had the slightest shred of patience with things like that, then I would definitely want to learn to play like this. He's got 3 albums out all just as good as each other so check them out!
Similar Artists: Antoine Dufour, Andy McKee, Don Ross
Thriving Ivory
So I know this sounds like some sort of disease, but bare with me. Up there with the likes of Startisan, these dudes are from America again but have more of a Indie/Pop Rock sound to them. Anyone who likes Lifehouse or SafetySuit, another couple of brilliantbands, will love this group. Great to chill out or drive to, they should definitely have a place in your music library. They've only got 1 album out from 2010 called 'Through Yourself & Back Again', but it's a corker so get it downloaded. Big things to come from these guys I hope.
Similar Artists: Lifehouse, SafetySuit, The Fray
These duo are for those moments when you need a bit of an upbeat, bouncy tune to brighten up your day. They're pretty new to the scene and will be pretty big in the next year or so thanks to doing collabs with the likes of NeYo and from starting their careers as actors on some big TV dramas back in the day. Having a bit of Hip-Hop in your daily set list of tunes can never be a bad thing and thanks to their clever lyrics and catchy beats, MKTO should be your new choice of get up and gomusic.
Similar Artists: Vance Joy, Cris Cab, Guy Sebastion
I actually only found out about this band thanks to a mate over at Cultiodand they're my band of the month at the minute! They're a cross between Twin Atlantic and Deaf Havana in my opinion and let's face it, that can't be a bad thing as those two bands are pretty epic. It's not very often you hear a Scotsman as the lead vocal but it works prettywell here. They've gained their first bit of acknowledgement from supporting Panic At The Disco so that gives you a slight eye opener into their genre. For anyone going to T in the Park in July, you can catch them there too!
Similar Artists: Twin Atlantic, Little Eye, Don Broco
These are just a few of my personal favourites, with many more in the library! Let me know what you think of them and holla at me if you find any others that you think the world should know more about!
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Special Thanks - Thanks a lot for your late-night work Nicholas. - A great resource. - Good resource. - Thank you for your late-night work Camren. - You come through every time. You're fantastic! Hey there everybody, check these guys out!
Posted in Agriculture Post Date 09/16/2024