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The secret to great silk flowers and silk flower arrangements is, many times, the proper use of contrasting colors. By contrasting colors in silk flower arrangements I'm referring to colors that aren't closely matching such as red with silver or designs including blue, pink, and purple. These choices add volume to your silk flowers. These types of silk flower arrangements are easy to create with a little bit of thought.

"Colorful Vibrancy"

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Start by selecting silk flowers that are wide apart in the color spectrum; tones which strongly contrast each other. You can always add greenery, twigs, or garnish to the end of your silk flower arrangements to tone down the vibrancy of colors. Silk flowers should be visually stimulating. Trust your own eyes to tell you which colors to gather together in these silk flower arrangements. Some of my favorite combinations of silk flowers include orange and yellow. Deep orange hues when married with rich yellows help to create silk flower arrangements that inspire and impress.

Blue and pink silk flowers, such as found in Hydrangeas, also go together well. Contrasting colors work in all seasons; I'll sometimes display tropically dramatic silk flower arrangements in the middle of February. The pinks, bright-blues, and amber-colored silk flowers help me feel like it's summer even when it's frosty outside. I also tend to display silk flower arrangements that resemble the clear, cool ocean in the middle of summer. One of the coolest things about silk flowers and silk flower arrangements is you can bend the seasons to your fancy. One need not wait for spring to enjoy roses; silk flowers let your enjoy them in mid-December if you choose.

Ill recently combined some silk flowers using green and terracotta cream colors; contrastingly beautiful! Yellow, pink, and cream silk flowers garnished with feathery oat stems and proportional greenery can make lovely silk flower arrangements especially when used as a centerpiece. Whether making your own or buying premade silk flower arrangements, make sure part of your collection focuses on contrasting colors. Nature is your best guide to what truly majestic silk flower arrangements should reflect. Take your time when making your selection. After all, premium silk flower arrangements, carefully hand-crafted can last a lifetime.

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Posted in Agriculture Post Date 09/06/2024






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